1- Donation
Donations are acknowledged by enormous servers. This is one more way and number one source of income for the Minecraft servers. Individuals give donations on their own will when the servers are very much kept up with.
2- Minecraft server
Minecraft is known as Microsoft’s marketing product, and it has a great deal of explicit terms identifying with how to bring in cash with the Minecraft server. Nobody never charges individuals to get openness of the server and can’t charge even a penny that will influence the gameplay called as pay to play. In this way, assuming you might want to run any server, you really want to bit shrewd with regards to the lucrative Minecraft servers.
3- Membership fees
The membership fee is like that of server access charge yet it has given decisions to individuals of access length. The fee depends on week, months, and a long time dependent on the ideal opportunity for which they need to get to the gaming server. However, we want to charge something similar for all players. The yearly fee is minimal choice in all Minecraft gaming servers.
4- Merchandise
As it is referenced before, it isn’t permitted to generate profits from the Minecraft gaming server. Be that as it may, you are allowed to sell gaming inventory as long as it doesn’t influence the compensation for play. There are some particular principles in Mojang i.e., selling capes isn’t satisfactory as this is compensated by Minecraft and necessities players to satisfy the particular conditions.
5- Sponsorship
You can receive funding via sponsors for the Minecraft gaming server consequently you want to advance their items just as services amongst players on the server. You are required to carry out appropriate research, discovering the ideal support. You can without much of a stretch find a ton of organizations that can finance your server.